The Talasea District Development Authority (DDA) in West New Britain Province has continued to support the national education policy program in the rural area in line with the five-year Talasea District Integrated Development Plan (TDIDP).
Wabag DDA is embarking on sealing all roads built since 2018.
People of Menyama district, public servants and district officials are told to use public resource for its intended purpose when conducting service delivery.
Mama Bank Partners with Abau DDA.
Bulolo DDA is undertaking an asset stock verification and valuation for the distributied assets.
Salt Nomane Karimui in Chimbu is providing financial incentives for enumerators to cover remote household population data collection.
The Talasea DDA on Tuesday the 13th of August 2024, received a new ten cubic truck for the projects at a cost of K660,000.00.
Madang town Mayor presents Madang DDA DDA woth K250,000 to Holy Spirit Pimary School on Friday.
2 new classrooms and 2 new teachers houses for Sakul pprimary school, Sumkar District.
Lufa DDA engages local internet service provider ro install internet in schools throughout the district.
Madang DDA presents K250,000 cheque for the construction of new four in one grade nine classroom.
Mou Signed between Lufa DDA and Rural Airstrips Agency with a cheque o K518,000.
K150,000 allocated to St Maximilliam Primary School.
MoU signed by nine (9) districts DDA Coffee Industry Cooperation Limited.
MOU signed by Nipa Kutubu DDA with the Coffee Industry Cooperation (CIC) for factory to boost local economy.