New classroom and teacher house recently opened in Sarang Village.
Funding support provided by BSP.
Lagaip district procurement committee has been sworn in Port Moresby. The Lagaip MP challenged the committee to uphold the principles of transparency, accountability and take ownership of their roles.
MP Siune engaged experts to look into five areas of the health sector in the district.
Rugby league in Wau has been revived with seven clubs registered. Thanks to Wau Waria DDA and MP
Nine young people from Samarai Murua will be the first batch to attend studies at Adamson University in Manila, Philippines.
More than 300 women from Mul graduated from SME training. The two weeks training is an initiative of the Mul District Development Authority
A three days food processing training was organised by Wau Farmers Association. Wau Waria district has pleadged K10,000
Mul Bayer DDA is looking at embarking on fostering business culture and entreprenuership
IT equipments worth K100, 000 was presented to Bulolo Technical School by the Wau Waria District Development Authority
Almost 500 youths from 10 different parishes attend program. Event was organised by Catholic Church
People in Wau- Waria withnessed the launch of eight projects by the district MP
K150,000 presented to Poashi Primary School for new four in one classroom and teachers house
North Fly MP and DDA Chairman says tertiary sponsorship this year will cost the distrist K7.4 million
People in Kerowagi and Chimbu will soon be selling their fresh produce directly to CPL